Skip*Hop Nursery Design

What about giving the gift of design this Christmas? We love the new plush animal friends that just so happen to coordinate with the Skip*Hop nursery designs. Each set comes with a bumper-less crib sheet, coordinating crib skirt, super soft crib blanket, and wall decals– all for under $100. We call that chic design on a dime! All designs featured here are available in the store and on line.Image

Baby’s First Christmas Photography Inspiration

Just a general perusing of Pinterest this time of year, and you find so many fun, cute ideas for baby’s first holiday photo! Posting a collage of my favorites to pass along for inspiration! (One quick side note, however, I saw lots and lots of pictures with babies wrapped in holiday lights…and one even with the lights in it’s mouth. I definitely don’t think that’s a good idea, and using the lights in general should probably be done very, very carefully!) Happy Holidays, from Over the Moon to your families!


Understanding Hip Dysplasia

Every several years it seems a new health threat presents itself causing a change in the way we care for our infants. Over the years we have changed the position a baby sleeps from on the tummy,  to a side-lying position, and now to placing the infant on their backs. Shoes have changed from hard-soled, high-top variety to a moccasin style sole which closely mimics the barefoot. Bedding has also changed over the years. Parents are now discouraged from using bumper pads in the cribs and also discouraged from purchasing crib mattresses coated in flame retardant chemicals.

In recent months we have been hearing a lot about hip dysplasia in infants particularly links to using certain types of baby carriers, slings, seats, and even swaddle blankets. As a registered nurse this piqued my interest. I decided to do a little more in depth research which I will share here. Ultimately, neither the American Academy of Pediatrics nor the International Hip Dysplasia Institute endorses or advises against a particular brand of carrier/seat/swaddle. At Over the Moon we strongly recommend that parents conduct their own research and talk with their pediatricians.

What Is Hip Dysplasia?

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics hip dysplasia is a condition in which the baby’s upper thigh bone becomes disconnected from the hip socket. This condition can occur during the birthing process or during the baby’s first year of life. You may notice the pediatrican screening your baby for this during appointments the first year. During a screening they will be looking for signs of decreased range of motion, shortening of one leg, and/or  “thigh or buttock creases that appear to be uneven or lopsided in appearance”. In some cases this condition is not diagnosed until the child is a year old.

What Causes Hip Dysplaisa?

There does not appear to be one factor known to cause hip dysplasia. As with many other types of medical conditions there are a variety of things that may cause your baby to be at increased risk of developing this condition. Some cases of hip dysplasia have been linked to hormones produced by the mother that help with muscle relaxation, but could also cause relaxation of joints in the baby. Other factors that increase risk are sex: females have a greater risk than male babies; family history: a greater risk if another family member has experienced this condition; birth position: breech babies have a greater risk factor; and birth order: the oldest child has a greater risk of developing dysplasia. In recent months/years there has also been concern expressed by doctors and chiropractors warning against certain positioning of babies in carriers, car seats, slings, etc. The risk to the baby’s hip/pelvis (and also at times to the development of the spine) increases with the length of time the baby spends in these respective carriers etc. Again, please consult with your own pediatrician in regards to the safest choice for your baby.

Avoiding Improper Positioning

The best way to avoid external causes of hip dysplasia is to understand proper positioning of your infant in a carrier/car seat etc. The baby spends over nine months in a fetal position within the womb. This “frog-legged” position only straightens out after several months. Forcing the baby into a straighter position can cause spinal issues or hip dysplasia. The International Institute of Hip Dysplasia  has some great diagrams on their web page demonstrating the proper positioning of a young infant in car seat, sling, and carrier




In regards to bumbo seats, jumparoos, exersaucers, and walkers the consensus seems to be the same. All of these things can be definitely convenient and even stimulating for the baby. When used before the baby has naturally started sitting or standing on their own these items can cause damage to the development of the baby’s spine or pelvis. I found a blog post written by a husband/wife chiropractic team in Texas who specialize in prenatal and postnatal care. More information on these types of seats can be found at their blog on their website for the Lifetime Family Wellness Center.  They maintain that each stage of a baby’s development from tummy time to walking is important in the development of the cerebellum as well as the ligaments and joints.

Swaddle blankets are the newest cause for concern. While a great way to soothe and comfort a newborn there is also a proper technique that should be used to make sure the baby is able to stay in the proper positioning. The important thing with any swaddling technique is to allow plenty of room for the legs to move and that the hips are not squeezed together. This great YouTube video from the International Hip Dysplasia website demonstrates several safe techniques to swaddle baby.

6 Tips for a Modern Nursery

Nurseries have really come a long way… gone are the days of “baby rooms”.  Modern, 21st century nurseries are now just awesome rooms, decorated in such a fashion that compliments the parents own style and the rest of the house.  With the up-cycling and Pinterest era craze, many parents are finding inspiration just about anywhere for a modern, yet classic nursery.  Here are a few tips to achieve just the right amount of chic-ness for your baby’s totally contemporary room.

1.  White Walls make color POP!  Not to mention add a super fresh and clean feeling.


2.  Eliminate anything too themey… instead, try going with something generic that would be interchangeable with pretty much anything you bring in to the nursery.  Such as colors, the alphabet, generic woodland or ocean life, etc.

10-9-2013 2-07-37 PM

3.  Build your nursery around art.  All different types.  Up-cycled art, original pieces from your life experiences, framed magazines or story book pages.  The sky is the limit, but it sure does make for a great central piece of inspiration.


4.  Color-Block and/or geometric walls.  A statement wall in a distinct, contrasting color not only screams “awesome” but babies are naturally drawn to the hard lines between major contrasts.

modern girl nursery

5.  Add some rad furniture!  Get a glider you could use in ANY room of the house, or a futon that can double as a bed for those long nights when the baby just won’t sleep.  You spend a lot of time in this room… make it comfy!7a90a5251f24

6.  What’s in a Name?  Ok, so putting your baby’s name on the wall isn’t exactly “new” or “original”, but you can certainly think outside the box!  Make it pop.  Make it memorable.  Make it an art installation!  If you are gonna do it, do it 120% … I mean, you obviously think it’s the coolest name of all names, right?!


Best Halloween Costumes for Your Little Ones

Many of you posted pictures at the local pumpkin patch this weekend which is a very good reminder that we are definitely into the fall season, and that also means that Halloween is right around the corner.  Ren and I are excited to be hosting a 1920’s theme mystery dinner for our friends (I mean who doesn’t want to pass up a chance to dress up like a flapper?).  The Roaring 20’s is perhaps a theme that doesn’t fit with toddlers particularly (although I have seen a few). I scoured the internet to find what I think are the cutest (or most interesting) costumes for baby’s first few Halloweens.

For the Tiniest Trick or Treater


From The Baby Post


From Curbly


From Babble


From Disney Baby


From Little Life Story


From KULfoto


From Babble

For the Toddling Trick or Treater


From Shrimp Salad Circus


From Tim&Olive


From The Berry


This is a personal photo actually of my adorable nephew, Jude


From A Lovely Lark


Also from A Lovely Lark

Hope some of these offer some inspiration for you this year!

So, You Need to Buy a Baby Shower Gift…

Eeek! So, your girlfriend/sister/neighbor/co-worker has reached that exciting milestone of having her first baby. By this point in your life you have likely become quite comfortable attending bridal showers, bachelorette events, and perhaps even mastered the art of being the most graceful bridesmaid (despite the dreadful color of the dress that hung off of you like a bad dream…but that’s a whole other blog post) Now suddenly, your girlfriend/sister/neighbor/co-worker is entering uncharted territory. She is expecting a baby. This does not sound all that complicated. Most people have them. We were babies once. Should be easy to pick out a gift until you walk into that section of the store that you have been (not necessarily purposefully but…) avoiding for your entire life. You realize there are aisles and aisles of “essentials” that until that moment you had no idea of their existence, and now that you do still aren’t quite sure what it’s for or why it’s essential. Let me help. (Shameless plug alert) This is where a small local boutique that specializes in just this exact thing can come to the rescue. We can help you navigate this yet uncharted territory.  I have put together a list of a few of the top baby items for 2013 (what they are used for/why a parent might want them)

Boon Lawn

Boon Lawn

The Lawn/Stem from Boon The flexible grass blades hold all just-washed baby accessories. (And whatever else they might want.) Plus it’s like having a fairway next to the kitchen sink. Minus any gophers. Or golfers. Bonus: No mowing required. I love the fact that it could be used way after baby bottle days for lets say champagne glasses or drying knives…Love things that can be converted for post-baby use!


Zoli Buzz B.

The Zoli Buzz B nail trimmer. Buzz B is a battery operated nail trimmer. It safely trims nails with a gentle yet effective oscillating action. The cushioned pads are specially designed for baby’s nails so it won’t harm surrounding skin. With two different power settings, parents can control the speed. This is a fun gift because many parents haven’t seen anything like this product before. It’s also practical. Newborns usually come into this world with very long nails and very teeny tiny fingers making traditional nail clippers a new parent’s nightmare. Ease their anxiety with this nail buffer.


Aden + Anais Swaddle Blankets

Aden + Anais Swaddle Blankets

Aden+Anais swaddle blankets. I don’t think we have had a registry in the store that did not have a pack of these blankets on it. They come in a variety of colors/patterns and in two types of material: 1) muslin: a very lightweight breathable cotton or 2) bamboo: which makes the blankets luxuriously soft. Swaddling a baby makes the baby feel safe and secure (as though they were still in the womb). Swaddling a baby also helps keep the baby from waking itself as a result of uncontrolled reflex responses. A happily sleeping baby makes for happy, well rested parents.


Ergo Performance Carrier

The Ergo baby carrier. There are lots of different brands and styles of baby carriers on the market. This is our top selling brand. As the name suggests it is ergonomically designed so that the weight of the baby is distributed to the hips versus the back and shoulders. The baby can be worn on the front or back or hip. There is a growing trend of parents that believe that wearing your baby is best for the baby. If you don’t think your friend fits in that category just know that sometimes a stroller is a hassle, but for the reasons pictured above it’s still nice to have your hands free.


Phil & Ted’s Lobster Seat

Phil&Ted’s Lobster seat. This is great for the parents on the go. It folds flat into it’s own carrying case for easy transport. Think picnics, grandma’s house, disney cruises, favorite mexican restaurant.

Nursery Design: Maps and Atlases

I fully believe this year to be the year of the map…and maybe the globe as well.  I have been a fan of maps since I was a small child with a wooden puzzle of the United States. It excites me to see vintage maps put to good use as wrapping paper, book covers and now incorporated into room decor in the home.

To me, a map represents limitless possibilities in life. It also represents a way home. My heart beats a little faster when I look at a map of a destination I want to visit, when I see a map of my home state/town, or a place I once traveled. A map can take me right back to the corner cafe of a foreign city or to my childhood home.

There are grand possibilities in a spinning globe, eyes squeezed tightly shut,  finger poised to land when the spinning has stopped. Fate will ensure we get there one day.

It is with these romantic notions in mind that I find the use of maps in a baby’s nursery to be absolutely divine. This is how we got here, and oh the places you will go, little one…



Framed map hearts photo cred from this idea especially for parents who have different home towns

From the folks at Aesthetic Addiction up a vintage map in several different frames

What if you are using a sleeping porch or sun room or other nontraditional room as your nursery? how cool is the map covering the door panes?

The folks at Babble ten fun ways to decorate with maps around the home, but I loved these darling garlands!

Belfast Kate shared the ideas of the dark wall (which I love in a nursery) with the decal world map. Also how great is the urban map of a city near and dear to your heart?

Vintage globes le sigh…

What about a globe mobile? This is the galaxy nursery design by Dwell Studios which is available for purchase at Over the Moon (shameless plug)

Nursery Design: Wall Decor

There are tons of fabulous ideas floating around pinterest and other design websites featuring the perfect print or wall decal for your little one’s nursery. Parents usually spend a lot of time and effort making sure that space is perfect. I am partial to the decals (we sell them at the store) AND to the prints (we also sell these at the store), but I wanted to feature some fresh new ideas that have been circulating the design blogs and my personal favorite, Pinterest…

1. A takeoff of the monogram using different fonts and colors of the baby’s initial. Perhaps some of these fonts could even be taken to the next level to make the idea even fresher. (photo cred: Pinterest)

2. We have noticed an emerging trend in nursery design involves a “woodland theme”. This is a fun theme because it gives the nursery designer the opportunity to use lots of fresh colors not found in nursery themes in recent years. I love all shadow boxes. I also love birch bark. This wall decor idea incorporates both things which almost gave me goose bumps with tiny little wooden, woodland creatures in the bottom. (photo cred: Pinterest)

3./4. 3-D wall decor. How fun and colorful the clouds and rain are! The flock of butterflies next to a changing table gives the baby something to look at. (flock of butterflies? swarm? herd? somebody out there knows the answer to this…) (photo cred: Pinterest)

5. Again a take on the popular idea of using the baby’s name or initials. I love the idea of the colorful buttons, but I think it would look great if the buttons were also done in monochromatic color and perhaps framed? (photo cred: Pinterest)

6. Maps! I also adore maps! I was at a baby shower recently and someone wrapped some of the gifts in old maps. They made adorable vintage looking packages. This idea was to mark where each parent was from (or you could mark where grandparents lived, etc) and where the baby was born with a heart. I heart this idea! (photo cred: Pinterst)

7./8. More monogram ideas! What can I say they seem to be the latest trend (and let’s be honest they are super Southern) I like the idea for a more formal nursery dressing up the frame with a nice ribbon.  The next monogram is pretty obviously on a toddler or twin bed, however, depending on your crib design I think this could work in a nursery as well. (photo cred: Pinterest)

9. Okay so this is a twist on using the wall decals that you have probably seen all over the internet recently. They are great, but who doesn’t like a creative twist! Instead of applying the decals directly to the wall make them look a little more artsy by painting a canvas and applying them to the canvas instead. (photo cred: Pinterest)

10. Framed lull-a-byes! I think that’s a super sweet idea, but of course if you invisioned something a little more rock in roll or classical you could frame any sheet music for a really classy look in the nursery. (photo cred: Pinterest)

11. Framed letters of the alphabet using the color themes of the nursery as the background for the letters. This looks vintage and simple, but you could also incorporate lots of different colors for a big color splash. (photo cred: Pinterest)

12./17. Both of these pictures have similar ideas using simple embroidery hoops with fabric. There are so many great fabric patterns both vintage and modern available that the options for this idea would be limitless AND pretty inexpensive. (photo cred: Pinterest)

13. These are by far one of my favorite finds of the year! This Sharon Montrose takes photos of lots of different types of animals including birds and reptiles, but I think her “little darlings” series is some of her best work, and swoon…they would be great in any nursery! I just wish she was selling wholesale, and we would have her here in the store in a minute! Until then you can find her work here..

14. Another popular nursery theme I have been seeing on the design blogs recently is a cowboy/ranch/barnyard type theme. A super cute theme for a little cowboy/cowgirl in your life. I love old wood. I love this initial cut out of old barn wood. (photo cred: Pinterest)

15. For all of the scrabble aficianados out there. I have seen ideas similar to this using couples’ names and anniversary date, etc, but I think this is super sweet. The options of what you could put there are endless…birthday, birth weight, name (proper nouns are allowed just this once). (photo cred: Pinterest)

16. Animal heads. At one time this may have been considered a bit garish for a nursery, but make them paper mache and paint them fun colors suddenly you have a fun focal point for the nursery. These are by Dwell Studios which is a great American design company. We offer their nursery line and many of their toys in the store.

17. One last monogram idea in the very popular color scheme of yellow and grey. There are lots of great design blogs that offer free printables making this another very affordable option for nursery artwork. (photo cred: Pinterest)

Hope this gives you guys some design inspiration! Remember, we really like to see what local nurseries look like so please send us your pictures!

A note from the author: I am sorry that I didn’t have more (okay hardly any) direct links to where the pictures came from originally. Because of my severe technological shortcomings it took me a good month to get this blog finished. In the future there will be more links than your mouse can handle!


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